Content Generation for Novice Bloggers
People vary when it comes to writing style and also their comfort zone with writing generally, but we all take action. And it's really a safe bet that if they like writing or not, no business proprietor got anywhere without having to communicate in writing at some point or another. Hence we are all bloggers-albeit at various stages of development.
One thing I hear from clients frequently is, even with only a fuzzy understanding of what a blog is and how it drives qualified traffic to your internet site, people still say, "I simply don't know what to write about." Turns out writers' block made it from the dot-com bust alive.
Because of Pat Doyle and other leaders of the content generation movement, we will have somewhere to turn for ideas. I'll post a number of the following tips to revisit the problem every so often. Pat's "23 Great Ideas For BLOGS" has so far been my primary inspiration. Here's one I particularly liked:
18. Run a poll. After it's done, discuss the outcomes.
This can be the gift that keeps on giving:
1) You can ask a question that is germane to your organization, whose answer could possibly make a meaningful effect on your business. The market research industry is continuing to grow right into a $25 billion business because companies have discovered to search for answers from exactly the same people writing their checks. Some examples:
Record label: "On this band's latest album, what was the first song you played for a friend?" : "At what price does an entry fee make you think twice?"
Property consultant: "What is your biggest fear throughout the entire mortgage closing cycle?"

2) You're giving your visitors the gift of interactivity. Sharing an opinion or feedback may be the kind of engagement that appeals to the narcissist in all of us.
3) You get a chance to draw in people away from core constituency, and will entice them to leave contact information, if they are curious to know the results.
Establishing a poll is very easy. You can ask your search engine marketing consultant to accomplish it for you.